If I didn't know better, I would think someone has been snapping pictures of herself with my camera.
If I didn't know better, I would assume this someone is very please she has figured out just how this photography thing works;
and maybe, she is a little taken with the fact that this "thing" doesn't seem that hard. . . to her.
It doesn't bother me at all that this someone seems to be taking very nice pictures. In fact, the next time I see this kid with my camera, I think I should take it from her quickly help her with her subjects.
Just so nothing is miss handled.
I mean after all . . .her angeling is a little off.
Okay, WAY OFF!
Did you notice?
Even though I have been studying photography and lighting and all things camera for quite sometime, I'm not worried at all that my five year old can take, maybe able to take a picture better then me.
Yes, in fact, I'm very excited for her.
very excited. . .yup!
No! I'm Not worried at all. . .
maybe I should just hide my camera from now on. You know, just so she doesn't hurt herself.