Friday, December 16, 2011

Cheating on the Bokeh

Some of us have finished with all our Christmas shopping.  

and then again, some of us haven't even started. 

Some of us are still trying to figure out Bokeh for crying out loud! and then again, some of us can't even remember how to spell bokah bokeh.    How can I go shopping when there is bokeh to learn?                   

Do you want to know what I have done?   

I cheated on the Bokeh. . . I did! Shhhhhh don't say anything.        Now that I'm finally done with Bokeh. . . I can think about something else. Like, what in the heck am I going to get my kids for Christmas?     Did you know there are only like 7 days left?  

Did you hear me???      7 DAYS!!! 


  1. Love the title! I just this week googled "Bokeh" to find out what it meant! I knew when I saw the word that I liked what ever photo was associated with it...AND!!! I have learned how to make it!!! Blessings on your Christmas shopping - praying peace and joy for your work ahead!

  2. LOL... "who has time for shopping when there is bokeh to learn?" Love it! Adorable picture Lisa. So have you been shopping now? ;)

  3. I choose to be as peaceful as your girl looks in the picture. xoxoRobin

  4. I'm not even close to finishing my shopping.

  5. Beautiful photo!

    Ugh...7 days and still not done shopping...

    Stopping by from Unknown Mami's Sundays in my City :)

  6. Our kids are grown and gone now - - - but we used to do ALL our shopping in one fell swoop trip - - - oh, a day or so before Christmas Eve.

    Lots of good sales then - - -

  7. There's just not enough time to everything we must...or want to do. :)

  8. Your secret is safe here. LOL!!! You better get cracking! Great Photo

  9. Make your special fudge and all will be good in the world again. :)

  10. I still don't know how to do Bokeh. I don't even know how to cheat it.

  11. cheating on the bokeh is still bokeh if you ask me! thanks for linking up!


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