Friday, April 26, 2013

the Pepper Mill

You remember this guy don't you? 

My little boy. . ."Stevie Wonder"

It seems like it's been so long since I posted last - I thought you might have forgotten. 

We all know this son of mine is my doer. 

His hands are always moving, always creating.   

But recently,  he has let some of the things he loves go . . . like woodworking.  Here once again, I see myself in him.  I have let blogging and my photography go.  It's not that Stephen and I don't really enjoy these things. We love them. But, you know how it is. Sometimes life just gets in the way and the things you really enjoy slip away. Before you know it. . .  a lot time has gone by.  

Last week I mentioned to my son that I haven't seen him working on anything lately.  I asked him what was going on. He just shrugged and said, "Hmm, I don't know? "

and then yesterday 

I heard the lathe running and I grabbed my camera. 

Without missing a beat Stephen stayed focused on his work.  He was making the pepper mill he told me he was going to make at Christmas time.  


I took his picture and then posted it on my blog. 




  1. I hope the pepper mill will be ready for Mother's day Lisa :). Thank you for sharing the photo and story with us at our party!

  2. Nice shots. Sometimes creativity seems to go dormant for a while.

  3. Love your blog! It is too cute and very inspiring. Thanks for the great
    info and the sharing of your insights

  4. Aww, you guys bring out the creative in each other.


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I will do my best to visit you back!

Have a great day!