If this blog is anything, it is NOT a political blog. I have never once mentioned my point of view here. Today, I have to tell you. . . This morning I was listening to NPR. They were doing a story about Occupy Wall Street . The spokes man on the news talked about this great Occupy cause. I listened with empathy and interest. While I listened, I thought Yes! Yes! Yes! Insurance companies and Banks are taking over the world. It's about time someone spoke up and did something.
When it comes to politics, I have become one of the cynical ones. I feel, the reason gas is so high is the oil companies have some Washington big wig in his or her pocket. It seems to me everyone involved is making a lot money. So way lower the prices? We'll pay. My cynicism has gotten so bad, I rarely listen to the news anymore.
As I listened today, for the first time in awhile, the Occupy Wall Street spokes guy came on and told his story in a rally cry. As he spoke his words the crowd repeated word for word after their beloved spokesman of the day.
~ The chants went like this ~
"I'm unemployed." The crowd chants "I'm unemployed" "I can't find a job" again the crowd chants "I can't find a job" in my mind I think "Yeah! Yeah! You tell'em! It's tough out here! I know so many people looking for work, people without insurance, fighting to keep their home! You Go Guy!" The guy goes on to say "I live with my parents." the crowd cries "I live with my parents." and in my mind I think ~ "Wow! that's tough..." and I wait for the rest... the guy goes on to say "and I'm 25" I think huuuu??? the crowd chants... "and I'm 25!". The chant ended there. . . in my mind I hear the scratching of an old record player coming to a halt and I think ~
. . .THAT'S IT???
??? WHAT???
Why don't they have the uninsured construction worker guy who's wife is sick with cancer chanting that rally cry? Why don't they have the single waitress mom who's trying to raise her children alone speak for america? How about the man with two part time jobs, with a chronic illness, struggling to keep his family together and keep the family home?
Oh! Yeah! those guys have real problems and need to keep going so they don't fall over from exhaustion. They can't take time to occupy wall street.
and I think . . . GEEEEEE!
THAT WAS THE BEST GUY THEY COULD GET??? a guy that's 25 who lives with his parents?
"Hey! Occupy Wall Street guys! I'm sure you have a great cause and all but, I don't get it. I know I told you I don't follow the news. . . but I have to say, What's your cause ??? Maybe you should get a leader for crying out loud! Then get someone to speak for you with a real hardship story. Get someone that has been through something. Not a 25 year old who lives with his parents. Get someone with kids to do those chants! Find someone that has really been through it. Maybe someone that has to worry about how they are going to feed their family, keep their home or just take care of simple medical needs." You won't even have to look hard. We are out here.
I also want to tell that guy that lives with his parents. "Go home! Clean your room! Do the dishes in the sink while your at it. Stay off facebook and find someone you can help!." Stop wasting tax payer money on your silly issues. Your mother would appreciate it.