Christmas Eve all the gifts from my mother's house had tags on them that said, To: So and So, Love: Nana and Grandpa or Love: Mom and Father or Mom and Dad.
It was so beautiful.... everyone knew he was there.
The night was comforting and warm.
We learned early Christmas Eve day Karen wanted to be back on the road very early the next day to get back to North Carolina and celebrate Christmas with William and Kristen.
I asked my mother if Mark, the kids and I could stay the night, spend Christmas morning and then Christmas day with her...Surprisingly, to me, she said Yes!!! Mark agreed and after the party he and I snuck out into the cold, dark night to collect our Christmas gifts for our family.
It turned out to be a such wonderful day.

The first order of the morning was to take a picture of Anthony's $85.00 shoes before he left...He told me it was important because "They are the most expensive shoes I have ever had."
...Well then, we must do what we must do...

Then it was time to drag a very sleepy Mary Elizabeth out of bed...and drag we did.
She didn't quite understand what was waiting for her in the next room.
She is still young.
She doesn't quite get we celebrate and celebrate and celebrate.

Santa brought bee suites and a Honey Bee keeping starter kit to both Matthew and Stephen.
The note from Santa said to order the Bee's in mid January...
This is what I don't understand...Do the bee's come in a box or to they fly here on their own once they are paid for? Does someone give them a map and tell them to just go???

It will be interesting to find out.

Mark put Liz's new bike together.

My mom was happy for her beautiful new scarf.... 
And everyone had a great morning.
After the morning excitement the boys got right to work putting the bee hives together.
Mom and I started more coffee and got to work on dinner.....Mark played with Mary Elizabeth and much to our delight
Father Theo stopped bye for a visit, coffee and a Spanish Lesson for Matthew...He taught us all ALL the words to
Feliz Navidad .
Bill dropped in to say hello and check on things and the afternoon really was a joyful time...Singing, building, cooking, visiting and just being together.
Ruffo inspecting for all the parts
Stephen finally finished the ping pong table he put together by himself.
Soon the feast fit for Kings and Queens alike was finished.
The table was set.
Margaret and Family came in and we all enjoyed the night.

It was a happy day.
Funny how somethings work...I thought we were spending the night and day for my mom so she would not be alone for a second that day and we did ...But, then again, maybe it was ALL for me...Because once again it seems like I am the one that received the biggest gift...Being able to spend Christmas day at my parent's house with my husband, children and mother was the best and biggest gift I could have received this year.
When we left that night I remember telling my mother
"We did it."
WE got through and it was a wonderful day ~ I know my father was smiling down on us. I know he is happy about the bee's I kept thinking all day I couldn't wait to tell him about...but then I would remember...He already knows...and he IS happy. He is very happy.
Quiero desearle una Feliz Navidad desde el fondo de mi corazón y un
Próspero Año Nuevo y felicidad