Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Maybe It's just me

I have read that sometimes you can see a person's soul in a black and white photo. 

I don't know, maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm looking to hard. . .  Maybe I just know him that well. 

But you know what? I think I can see his soul here.  

I see a young man that works hard and puts everything he has into most things he does. I see beauty and kindness and just a little bit of his wild side.  .  . All in this photo.

Maybe it's just me. But, that's what I see. 


  1. I see a fine good looking guy inside and out. The smile says I can conquer the world!! That's why I like black and white photo too. ^_^

  2. I'll assume that D is for darn fine photo!


    ABC Wednesday

  3. Beautiful Lisa, really beautiful. Such a handsome young man. Love the black and white! :)

  4. Loved the black and white - so dramatic.
    Thanks so much
    Denise ABC Team

  5. Trustworthy came to my mind!

  6. I see an absolutely great portrait of a handsome young man.

  7. Yes, there are times when B&W beats color.

  8. you may be right!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team


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Have a great day!